Bon ton on Black Leather

Buongiorno care ragazze!!
Come avete passato il sabato sera?, io in bellissima compagnia di mie care amiche 😉
A Torino a smesso di nevicare da un pò, ora il sole splende. Queste foto sono dell’ altro giorno, nonostante il gelo polare ho deciso di indossare per questo outfit i miei short in ecopelle nera, abbinati ad un cappotto  bon ton, mi piace molto giocare sui contrasti di stile, mixando un capo più grintoso ad uno più classico.
Passate una splendida domenica!
A presto con un nuovo post!

Hello dear girls!
How did you spend your Saturday night?, I am in great company of my dear friends😉
In Turin, it has stopped snowing for a short time, now the sun shines despite the cold temperatures.
  These photos are of other day, despite the cold polar I decided to wear this outfit for my short black faux leather, combined with a coat bon ton, I love playing on the contrasts of style, mixing a more assertive leader to a more classic.
Spend a beautiful Sunday!
See you soon with a new post!

    I was wearing:
    Coat: by H&M
    Sweater: by Facit
    faux leather short: by Tally Weijl
    boots: by Camomilla
    Clutch: by Camomilla

                                                                                               Pics by Gabriele Di Noia/Silvia Schirinzi

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