Superga wedges and ice cream

Un bel sole caldo, una passeggiata tra le vie del centro accompagnata da un  gelato e qualche chiacchiera, è  così che  ho trascorso il mio sabato pomeriggio, in buonissima compagnia  ; )

Optando per un look comodo ma sofisticato. Superga con zeppa, gilet di pelliccia, skinny jeans e occhiali a specchio.
 L’outfit completo giocato sui toni del grigio.

Che ne pensate delle sneakers con zeppa? vi piacciono o no?

Un abbraccio!

A nice warm sun, a walk through the streets in the centre of the city  with an ice cream and a chat, that’s how i spent my saturday afternoon, with very good company  ; )

I opted for a comfortable, but sophisticated, Superga wedge, fur vest and mirror sunglasses.
Everythings outfit played in shades of gray.

What do you think of the sneaker wedge? you like it or not?

Hi guys!

I was wearing
faux fur gilet
Zara tweed jacket
Mango touch pants
Zara tee
River Island sunglasses
necklace vintage (from my mum)+ Cruciani bracelet and H&M studd mint bracelet
Zara bowling bag
Superga wedges sneakers

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